1) Body language is important: good posture makes sure you look confident and serious. So:
chin up, shoulders straight, chest forward.
2) Look at your audience, and try to make eye contact with everyone (not all the time at just
one person or point in space). When having a private interview, look your interviewer
straight in the eyes. This is often a sign employers look for; it means you’re confident and
not afraid.
3) You have to make sure that you speak clearly, especially with ‘stress words.’ Move your
mouth, breath normally, and make sure your mouth isn’t dry (drink water if you feel the
need). You should be aware of how you physically speak to be able to understand how
you speak (look in the mirror when you practice speaking).
4) Whatever you do, avoid being monotone! Your voice should rise and fall with questions,
statements, and emotions. This keeps your group interested in your speech.
5) Your speed is important to control. Too fast and you may look nervous; too slow and you
sound boring, like you are lecturing (If you’re not sure about your speed, tape yourself
and listen).
6) Think about punctuation: pause at the end of a sentence or with commas. Only when you
want to stress a certain word, just pause for one second before it; this highlights the word.
Avoid slang, except to make a point, and don’t say, "You know" or “like”, too often.
7) Speak to the last row of people: not too loud, but not too quiet. If you scream all the way
through your speech, people will get used to it and you will lose effectiveness. On the
other hand, a few well-timed shouts can liven up the old speech!
8) Know your voice. Tape yourself and listen, because often people are surprised to hear
themselves. Convey the ‘feeling’ that goes together with a word: If you use the word
"kill" say it with ‘Danger’ in your voice. If you say the word "bulldozer," make it sound
like a huge machine, not like a child’s toy.
9) Look smart and honest: you must sell yourself before you sell your message. If people
feel that you are not being rational, you do not stand a chance. Do not use words such as
"maybe" or "might"- use positive words such as "will" and "must." People feel it when
you try to lie to them, so often use simple words and don’t over-use complicated
sentences or abstract words. Show emotion; to make people believe, you have to believe
it first.
10) PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE at home, in front of the mirror, before you go to
sleep, etc. Feel confident and at ease when speaking. And know your stuff!