I was born twenty-six years ago in a major commercial center in my country. I was the second child, and my sister was two years older than me. In the next three years another sister and brother came along, but the year after that, my father’s death after a prolonged sickness forced the whole family to move to the capital city, where my grandparents lived. My mother’s training as an accountant made it possible for her to get a good job with the ministry of finance, so we had an adequate, if somewhat difficult, existence. After I completed my elementary education in a public school near my house and attended a good middle school, thanks to a scholarship and the encouragement of my teachers, I was able to go to a private preparatory school and to one of the best universities in the country.
Beginning in middle school, I began to develop a special interest in science, biology, and eventually horticulture, the study of flowers and fruit tree. At the university I received a good general background but began to specialize in the fruit crops in our region. In addition, I took courses in chemistry, math, and economics, along with laboratory courses in which we did experiments with plants and trees and concerned ourselves with the practical aspects of irrigation, insect control, and harvesting techniques. In the university as well, I was the lead guitarist in a musical group. We played contemporary music for student activities and in the local clubs, and I was tempted at one time to take up music as a career.
After graduating from the university, I went to work for a large agricultural concern to assist in the management of fruit production. I was given major responsibility for planning, designing, and overseeing the planting of a new orchard using the latest strains of plants and methods of irrigation. In a competition for a scholarship, I was fortunate to win one of three positions, but since my English was not quite adequate, I decided to enroll in this English course before beginning the program. When I finish my Master’s degree, I will go back to work for the same company in a higher position than before.
I have several other interests in addition to horticulture. I still love to play the guitar and to meet people socially. I enjoy traveling very much and hope to visit many parts of the world as part of my work. I am a fan of adventure movies and do my best to go to a theater to see one at least once each month. I am not married yet, but I hope to be before too long. I am looking forward eagerly to the year that I will spend here and hope that I will learn a lot about my field, meet a lot of interesting people , travel, improve my English, and still have time to play my guitar occasionally.
我出生在二十六年前在一個主要商業中心的地位在我國。 我是第二個孩子,和我妹妹是比我大兩歲。 在未來三年,另一個姐妹兄弟來了,但兩年後,父親的死亡後,我一個長期疾病的整個家庭被迫遷往首都,在我的爺爺奶奶生活。我的母親的訓練,使得她的會計師,得到一個良好的工作,財政部,所以我們有一個適當、如果有些困難、存在。 在我完成了小學教育的一個公共學校不久我的房子和出席一個很好的中間學校,由於一個獎學金和鼓勵我的老師,