the size of the oil bodies varied between plant varieties as well as withthe nature and composition of phospholipids and sterols, which mayaffect the stability of the oil bodies (Boulard et al., 2015). Fusion of theoil bodies has also been observed in oat grains when the amount ofoleosins embedded within the monolayer coating the oil bodies waslow, in particular for mature grains (Heneen et al., 2008). On thecontrary, in the present study the oil bodies did not appear to coalescein the oat endosperm (Fig. 2A1 and A2), but they tended to flocculateonce extracted from the oat matrix (Fig. 2B1 and B2). This phenomenonwas recorded in our recent work where depletion flocculation of sunflower oil droplets was induced by the β-glucan released from the oatmatrix following incubation of oat flakes and flour (Grundy et al.,2018). However, no β-glucan was detected in the oil body preparationwhen stained with a dye specific to the polysaccharide, i.e., calcofluorwhite (data not shown). Similarly, starch granules were completely removed during the oil body extraction and therefore not present in thefinal preparation as revealed by staining with iodine. Some of the oilbodies may resemble starch granules in appearance, but they wereundeniably lipids as showed in Fig. S1 of the supplementary materialwhere all the particles in the image were stained with Nile red, andtherefore lipid. On the other hand, toluene blue staining indicated thepresence of proteins (Fig. S2 of the supplementary material). Therefore,it is likely that complex interactions formed between some of the oatcomponents when disturbing the oat matrix during extraction, therebymaking the isolation of individual oil bodies challenging.
the size of the oil bodies varied between plant varieties as well as with<br>the nature and composition of phospholipids and sterols, which may<br>affect the stability of the oil bodies (Boulard et al., 2015). Fusion of the<br>oil bodies has also been observed in oat grains when the amount of<br>oleosins embedded within the monolayer coating the oil bodies was<br>low, in particular for mature grains (Heneen et al., 2008). On the<br>contrary, in the present study the oil bodies did not appear to coalesce<br>in the oat endosperm (Fig. 2A1 and A2), but they tended to flocculate<br>once extracted from the oat matrix (Fig. 2B1 and B2). This phenomenon<br>被記錄在我們最近的工作,其中葵花籽油滴的空缺絮凝誘導的β葡聚醣從燕麥釋放的<br>燕麥片和麵粉以下矩陣孵化(格蘭迪等,<br>2018)。然而,在油體的製備沒有檢測到β-D-葡聚醣<br>時使用染料特定的多醣,即卡爾科弗盧爾染色<br>白(數據未顯示)。類似地,澱粉顆粒的油體提取期間被完全除去,並因此不存在於<br>最終製劑通過用碘染色所揭示。一些油的<br>機構可能類似於在外觀澱粉粒,但他們<br>的表現在補充材料的圖S1不可否認脂類<br>其中圖像中的所有顆粒用尼羅紅染色,並且<br>因此脂質。在另一方面,甲苯藍染色表明所述<br>蛋白質(補充材料的圖S2)的存在下進行。因此,<br>很可能是一些燕麥之間形成複雜的相互作用<br>提取期間擾亂燕麥矩陣時,由此組件<br>使得個體油體挑戰的分離。