This study aimed to assess the psychometric robustness of the French version of the Supportive Care NeedsSurvey and breast cancer (BC) module (SCNS-SF34-Fr and SCNS-BR8-Fr). Breast cancer patients were recruitedin two hospitals (in Paris, France and Lausanne, Switzerland) either in ambulatory chemotherapy or radiotherapy,or surgery services. They were invited to complete the SCNS-SF34-Fr and SCNS-BR8-Fr as well asquality of life and patient satisfaction questionnaires. Three hundred and eighty-four (73% response rate) BCpatients returned completed questionnaires. A five-factor model was confirmed for the SCNS-SF34-Fr withadequate goodness-of-fit indexes, although some items evidenced content redundancy, and a one-factor wasidentified for the SCNS-BR8-Fr. Internal consistency and test–retest estimates were satisfactory for mostscales. The SCNS-SF34-Fr and SCNS-BR8-Fr scales demonstrated conceptual differences with the quality oflife and satisfaction with care scales, highlighting the specific relevance of this assessment. Different levels ofneeds could be differentiated between groups of BC patients in terms of age and level of education (P < 0.001).The SCNS-SF34-Fr and SCNS-BR8-Fr present adequate psychometric properties despite some redundant items.