In athletes with an injury history who had recovered, time since last injury appeared to influence HRQOL. Athletes who had experienced an injury < 6 weeks ago reported HRQOL deficits on the DPA-PSC in comparison with athletes that were > 1 y postinjury, however no differences were noted for DPA-MSC or FABQ scores. These results should be interpreted with caution as the effect size observed for FABQ differences was weak (r = .17) and although not significant, very similar to the effect observed between groups for DPA-PSC scores (r = .18). Thus, FABQ scores may still be elevated in athletes up to 6 weeks postinjury. However, DPA-MSC scores do not seem to be influenced by time since. Further substantiating the reoccurring theme that emotional wellbeing as measured by the DPA-MSC does not appear to be influenced by injury.