Clara had asked him finally, why do you get so jumpy when she tried to hug him. No reason, he said vaguely. That got him so very far. She knew he was avoiding the answer and he knew he was avoiding the answer.
'Don't really care to talk about it, Clara.' The Doctor finally admitted to her.
'I don't want to pry, Doctor. Just understand.' Clara said, smiling gently. 'I would have thought that after so long travelling together that you'd not be so defensive.'
'It's something from my past. I don't like to talk about it.' The Doctor avoided the answer again. 'Can we drop it now?'
'Does it bother you when I do hug you?'
'No, it's just that it's usually unexpected.' The Doctor tried to clarify.
'Warnings first then hug?' Clara asked.
'That would help.'
'Hug then?' She held out her arms, he nodded and she was slipping her arms around him in moments. Tentatively his arms went round her shoulders for a light squeeze. Closing his eyes, he tried to relax a little bit but simply couldn't. He could feel the disappointment in Clara's body language but all he could do was shrug it off as best he could.
Dropping her off at home once more, the Doctor was left alone in the TARDIS and he casually set the course to a hover in the vortex. He needed to be alone. Clara's questions had dredged up painful memories. Well, maybe not entirely painful, too hard to explain he thought. Clara wouldn't understand it at all.
It was hard enough trying to explain to Clara who Missy was in the first place. More so when Danny was.. he gulped as he recalled that day. His friend from his childhood, sparring again and again through time and space. Out of all the Time Lords and Ladies to have survived it had to be her. Months after that day, Missy had turned up again. Clara hadn't been with him that day so it had spared him some of the potential awkwardness.
'Well well, Doctor. you're like that bad penny that just keeps showing up when you're really not wanted or needed.' Missy had rolled her eyes. He hated her. All he'd wanted to do was drop in on an old friend and ran into her instead. The wrong old friend.
'What are you doing here?' The Doctor had challenged Missy.
'I was here to see if I could get some upgrades done to my TARDIS. The wet bar is no longer up to par.' Missy had crossed her arms in front of her, accentuating her breasts. She knew what she was doing.
'Then get what you were here for and just go.' The Doctor had said with a sigh. 'We don't have to come to blows or anything every time our paths cross.'
The warehouse they were in was stocked full of all sorts of electronic parts and gadgets. Missy's finger ran over a large engine part that they were standing beside. 'No, we don't have to come to blows...' She agreed and walked over to him, her finger running along the length of his arm as she strolled around him. Behind him, her finger trailing over his shoulders and then leaning towards his ear she said. 'Yes, we could ..... ' She dropped her voice lower. 'Come to blows...' Her lips hovered by his ear. 'Just the way you like it.'
'I don't like it.' The Doctor disagreed. 'You're the one who likes it.'
'And when I like it that much you play along. You always have and you always will.' Missy reminded him.
'I don't play along. You never give me a choice. But not this time.' He tried to pull away from her but for being a gentle touch her hand gripped him tightly. 'Missy, please.'
'Please? You're asking me nicely?' Missy giggled. 'You are so adorable when you try that. I don't know why you bother. It will never work.'
'Just leave me alone.' Knocking her hand off his shoulder he started to stride away but her laugh stopped him in his tracks. 'What?'
'As if you could that easily walk away.' Missy casually pulled out her lipstick and re-did her lips. 'You know that if you do this that I'll just do something else you'll regret.'
Turning on his heel. 'You wouldn't dare.'
'I would.' Her eyes glinted. 'Claraaaaa.' Her voice sang his companion's