Many companies have one person or a department that is in charge of running the office. If you have ever worked for a company that doesn’t have an office manager, you very quickly learn to appreciate the importance of the job. Who is in charge of placing orders? Who services the fax machine or printer? Who makes sure that the office is presentable for customers? Are the new conference tables and shelves durable as well as affordable ?
It is the office manager’s responsibility to maintain an efficient and smooth-running office. He or she looks for ways to reduce costs and minimize interruptions in the day-to-day Operations. Whereas functional managers know the capacity of their employees, the office manager knows the physical capacity of the office and the supplies and machines that are in the office.
The office manager initiates the ordering of furniture and supplies, and stays on top of changing office technology. Over time, he or she may notice recurring problems that require changing a service provider . Furniture and large items are ordered on an as needed basis. Other frequently used materials, such as paper, folders, and mailing materials, are on an automatic ordering schedule and a stock of those supplies is on hand at the office.