The geolocation of collegiate football events can play a significant role in a spectators’ decision toattend the event or not [27]. Literature has yet to substantiate the environmental impact of spectators’chosen form of transportation with regard to the location of a collegiate football event [27,28]. Basedon urban planning theory, the on-CFE can be considered a high-density area and the off-CFE canbe considered a low-density area [29]. This is important because campuses are considered to besmall cities, where the infrastructure of buildings, roads, and public transportation simulate urbancharacteristics [29]. In contrast, off-campus stadiums are usually located in a suburban low-densityarea, where infrastructure, roads and public transportation are less dense [29]. Although there arecollegiate stadiums located off-campus in high-density areas, the off-CFE that the study explored wasin a low-density area. The following research questions guided the study: