Mini-Case Study: "Front Desk Service---Whitewater Inn"<br>Cutis Bell has just been hired by the Whitewaicr In to be the new front desk manager Curis is<br>moving from another town, so the gencral manager of the Whutewater Inn is allowing him to stay a few<br>nighis until he can find pemanent housing Curtis arrites at the inn about 6 PAL, on the night before he<br>is to sart work Therc arc scrcnil gucsts at the front dcsk and scrcal front desk agems. Before.<br>appraching the desk lo check in, Curis akes a few moments to listen and observe whal is going on.<br>P The firs gucst he obscives is asking for a key to a room. The front desk agcnt, Jim, asks the guest<br>for his name and venifics it in the compuler sysicm before handing over the kcy<br>The sccond guest has a complaint. He is upset that his room is not madc up and he has an<br>imporant dinnerappointiment The desk agcm, Nancy, ells the guest that housckeeping Is closed and<br>she doesn 't know what to do.<br>The third gues,. Mr Jones, is iry ing to chcck in lowever, the fron' desk agen, who is not wearing<br>a name badge, claims he cannot find any rescrvation for Mr. Jones<br>"The nevi guest asks to usc a saife deposil box. Nancy iclls the guest that the hotel is out of safc<br>deposit boxes because some of the boves do not have keys.<br>Finally, a fourth gucst approaches Jim and asks where a good place is to have dinner The<br>Whitevaler Inn is known for its fresh fish and beautiful view of the niver and woods beyond. Jim<br>recommends a steak house down the strcct.<br>Discussion Questions<br>1.What did Curtis observc that was correct? What did Curtis obscrve that nccds to be conrected?<br>2. What could Nancy do to resolve the complaint for the guest whose room is not clean?<br>3. What other resources should Curtis use lo idcntify gucst and opcrational problcms at the front<br>desk?<br>4. How should Curtis address these issues with his new suaft?<br>Case Number: 3326CB<br>The following industry cvperts helped gencrate and derelop this case: Richard M. Brooks, CHA, Vic<br>Presidcnt, TWE Group; and Michacl L. Kasavana, NAMA Professor in Hospitality Business, The<br>School of Hospitaliy Business, Michigan State Univcrsity, East Lansing, Michigan.