Social influence is defined as the extent to which individuals’ intention to use the new system or technology is influenced by important others. In the context of MALL, learners’ intention to use mobile devices for language learning may be influenced by other important individuals, such as peers, teachers, or family. Social influence is used as subjective norm in TRA, TAM/TAM2, TPB/DTPB, and C-TAM-TPB, and image in IDT. Social influence played an important role in explaining behavioral intention in Briz-Ponce, Pereira, Carvalho, Juanes-Mendez, and García-Pe~nalvo (2017), Sabah (2016), Hao et al. (2017), Yeap, Ramayah, and Soto-Acosta (2016) and Botero et al. (2019), and even the most important antecedent to the intention to use m-learning in Mohammadi (2015). Therefore, the following hypothesis was proposed for the current study: