The variables included in the model to explain the WTP for high welfare broiler meat werecategorized into three groups. The first group of variables consisted of perception variables, such as the respondent’s food safety concerns towards high welfare broiler meat, the respondent’s ethical perception towards broiler meat produced under high welfare practice, the respondent’s belief that they could make a diffence, and the respondent’s belief that it was the producers’ responsibility to care about the welfare of farm animals that they keep. In previous literature, age has been suggested as one variable that can affect ethical consumption [21–23]. Besides age, the second group of factors included socioeconomic characteristics, such as education and income levels [24,25]. The third group consisted of other variables, such as whether or not the respondent had heard about high welfare practice, the concerns of the respondent while purchasing broiler meat, and the frequency of eating broiler meat (Table 1).