Thank you, that’s exactly what I needed.Next Item: We are preparing energy absorbers for the 8063 SRL to convert to LEI have Ryans approval. Our model number for the absorber is 6185-LE. Do you have a sample of the absorber label you use. We have the ANSI label, but think that the absorber requires a specification label as well. See our sample label.we want to make sure the label is similar to the one Bexus would use. In addition, we are using these absorbers for Karam models as well. However, we want to promote the Bexus model due to the sst. brake system. See our 2019 catalog pg. 136. We are expanding the catalog page to include the Bexus LE model. At some point we will order 8062-LE from you when our market has grown. We plan to mfg the absorber in USA and also import similar models from Giga to ensure the quality is the same as the Bexus model. Giga is mfg. several energy absorbers for our company.