SONOGRAM, WHOLE ABDOMENDate Of Examination:2019/01/17 21:37:29Date Of RCP:2019/01/17 Portable sonography of abdomen was performed and revealed: ***Because of equipment limitation (under ventilator use with severegas block) and patient’s noncooperation, lesion may be underestimatedand detailed image cannot be evaluated in this portable sonographicstudy. Suggest follow-up after clinical condition improved.*** > The bile ducts in visible portion were not distended.> No remarkable findings was depicted at liver, gallbladder and visiblepart of pancreas. However, the pancreas body and tail were obscured bybowel gas block.> No hydronephrosis with kidney size: 10.3 cm over right side and 9.7cm over left side. Suspecious presence of a 1.2 cm right renal cyst.> No splenomegaly with 10.7 cm in size. Reported By LIN, HSUAN-YIN/4600B(License#:052746)On:2019/01/18(08:39:21),(by LIN, HSUAN-YIN/4600B)At:RM510G