III. Satisfaction: (How could this need be met?)
A. By partaking in random acts of kindness, you can change someone’s day for the better,
give someone a boost of confidence, or even save a life or eventually change the world.
1. There are many ways to be kind.
a. You could tell a worker what a great job he or she is doing.
b. Pick up and return the pen that the person walking in front of you dropped.
c. Thank the cafeteria worker for the great service.
d. Compliment a friend on a quality or a classmate on their achievement.
2. Just think of the things you could do for others or say to others that will brighten
their day.
B. According to a Greek proverb, “Kindness begets kindness.”
1. It’s true! Kindness is a chain reaction.
2. One act of kindness leads to another.
a. A teacher compliments you on the strong points of your speech.
b. With this new confidence, you go to your room and thank your roommate
for cleaning last weekend.
c. He/she’ll compliment a friend, and so on. And it all started with a teacher’s
simple comment on a speech.
3. Now you know how you can use random acts of kindness every day to benefit
yourself and everyone around you.
Transition: Envision yourself partaking in random acts of kindness on a daily basis.