[Allen: I know what you mean in the above solution. We can do this for you. Tomorrow, we will make a sample based on your above solution. Then we will take photo and take video for you to approve. For your this solution, we need to consider the below, if you have any comments, please tell us today before we make the sample tomorrow:
-These LED indicators will be located on the holes. Will they go outside the holes? Or will they be slightly inside the holes? Or will they be exactly on the same surface of the holes, not outside, also not inside?
-There are nine holes in the front panel, the 3 holes in the middle are for IR LRD, the 3 holes in the left are for the LED indicators, the 3 holes in the right are for the LED indicators also.
--How about the IR LEDs? Shall we put them on these holes also? If so, at what angle shall we put them? Because I am not sure that we can still put them as stated in “Point 4.2” below. If not, how shall we deal with these 3 opening holes in the middle of the front panel?]