As stated before, postponement strategies are being used more because of the<br>emphasis put on responding to individual consumer needs in today’s business atmosphere.<br>Consequently, postponement results in significant savings in inventory,<br>transportation, and reduced inventories of obsolete products. As a result, borders<br>between warehousing, assembly, and retail operations are disappearing. Thus, the<br>warehouse will be the place where final assembly, blending, labeling, and packaging,<br>in addition to traditional stocking, will be done. Advantages for allocating this<br>role to warehouses are closeness to markets, low labor cost, and effective systems<br>for managing the processes of assembly, labeling, and packaging [16].<br>Finally, Ailawadi and Santish [13] predict the warehouse will play an important role<br>in bringing manufacturers together to collaborate in creating consolidated shipments to<br>major markets. Also, new technologies such as RFID will facilitate the movement and<br>location of goods in the warehouse as soon as they become commercially viable.