4. Our common mistakes (often acquired) when dealing with emergency situations. In emergency provinces, rapid response is important. However, we still improve on what we need to do, and then proceed quickly. But speaking, it's hard to do. When you encounter an emergency, you will immediately be shocked, or unexpectedly, jittery, hot, and don't keep a calm down on the wrong situation. My friend 4 years ago when he had just run a phone, he was robbed. He's not sorry for that phone, but feels angry, annoyed, irritated so he's ejection 2 robbers to regain the phone. The two robbers run into 1 alley as their lair, and he does not know what to run and has been hit by 1 group, which is destroyed by the front teeth, and has one eye and the skull. While the handset is only worth about 3 million, it is not worth him to take such a daredevil. In such robbery situations, we need to keep calm, a face that is raised so that the red go before you can help Minh block the bandits. On the other hand, you try to miss the state of the name of the robbers, if he escapes, you have and give information to the public security. It is absolutely not to be flimsy to run under brawl with bandits, as bandits often prepare to be aggressive, and to follow 1 group to support each other, if you have the larvae, you will be a disadvantaged. People have the sentence "of change", then many are right. 5. You can guide your skills to handle emergency situations (effectively). In order to handle emergency situations, we need to follow these steps: First, deep breathing to regain your composure. This is the most important thing. Until you believe that you can handle the situation, do it, and if after about 1 minute of your home you are still in the wilderness, or do not know what to do, or call for help. For if you are not calm and what you do, you will also make the crystal worse, after you regain your composure, you must quickly determine what you need to do. Don't be too rushed, but don't be too sluggish. Once you're sure what you need to do, take action now and always. And 3rd, after handling the situation, you need to try to call the emergency phone number for the public security, for the fire team, or for the pair to go to eternity, take for example the flood , you must first keep your composure and find the highest position to stay away from the power line. If you have been swept away, there must be BIM vin in a certain object and away from objects that are drifting towards you. So you can preserve your life and wait for the rescue. Or when the 1 festival happens to run out of sorts, you first need to keep calm, then move in the crowd. Do not go against the human line because there will be enormous insertion, will be exhausted quickly and fell and trampled. And when the di specializes or passes horizontally to not be pinched into the back or its front, as can lead to vertebral fractures, ribs, visceral stamping. 4. And when you move, you must calmly look around when there's a way out. If possible, call the support team. 6. Submitting emergency situations. It should be noted. In order to handle an effective emergency situation, we need to prepare in advance, read before, or study in advance the instructions for handling the emergency situation before we start to do 1 or something. This will help us to imagine what will be the best thing if there is an emergency. For example, when working at 1 still new room, we will notice where the fire tank is, where the exits are. When you take the bus, see where to escape. When you take a plane, as soon as you sit down in the chair you also need to read the escape cord, the Vietnam S way through how the vest is used, or when abroad, to places that are often earthquake, you must also learn in advance how to handle the situation When an earthquake in VIETNAM is very rare earthquake. If the earthquake occurs, you must keep away from the places where the NHA cap is, where there are many glass doors. Or if you're in the house, pay under the ribbed, or roar, wait for the earthquake to escape. 7. He has a virtual supported to be able to handle emergency situations effectively. When you arrive, you must always remember the emergency phone number. For example in the US exam is 911. In Vietnam, there are 3 numbers:-113: Public security, for situations such as traffic accidents, crime, security-114: Rescue rescue, pediatric fire house, drowning, home collapse, electric shock, elevator jam...-115: Emergency, case of , stroke, dangerous to life-threatening diseases depending on the situation