2.2. Activators of HsClpP. Unlike the other majormitochondrial AAA+ proteases (i.e., LonP1, i-AAA, and m-AAA), the ATPase and proteolytic functions of the HsClpXPcomplex are segregated to HsClpX and HsClpP, respectively.In addition, substrate degradation by HsClpP is dependent onthe unfoldase activity of HsClpX under normal circumstances(Figure 3Ai). These characteristics of HsClpXP thus create aunique window for chemical interference via disabling thegatekeeping function of HsClpX. Indeed, small molecules suchas activators of ClpP protease (ACPs),40 acyldepsipeptides(ADEPs),41 and related compounds42 (Figure 3B−D) havebeen shown to dysregulate the function of bacterial ClpXPcomplexes by physically displacing ClpX from ClpP whilekeeping ClpP in its activated state (Figure 3Aii). Importantly,the dysregulated activation of bacterial ClpP by thesecompounds induces potent bactericidal effects against variouspathogenic microbes, including S. aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae,Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria gonorrheae, Bacillus subtilis,Enterococcus faecalis, and Listeria innocua, which illustratesthe promising potential of these compounds as antibiotics.