LOAD MANAGEMENT D/O (3)GENERALElectrical network of the A/C is protected from overload. ElectricalContactor Managements Units (ECMUs) protect the galley supply andsub-busbars supply from overload.To protect the network, ECMUs open Remote Control Circuit Breakers(RCCBs) to partially or totally shed the supply of galleys and / orsub-busbars. The Remote control Circuit Breaker (RCCB) is used tofulfill the following functions: electrical line protection (circuit breakertripping function), electrical load switching (contactor switching function).LOAD MANAGEMENT DESCRIPTIONThe ECMUs monitor parameters of the AC power source(s) andcontrol the contactors to allow the supply of the electrical networks.If the corresponding Generator Control Unit (GCU) or GROUNDAUXILIARY POWER CONTROL UNIT (GAPCU) detect a powersource overload, it sends an overload signal to ECMUs.When ECMUs receive an overload signal, they analyze the electricalnetwork configuration. To remove the overload condition, ECMUsdirectly act on the corresponding RCCBs. There are two types ofRCCBs:- RCCBs that control and protect the power supply to the galleyfeeders,- RCCBs that control and protect the power supply to the sub-busbars.In case of overload detection by an AC power source, ECMUs shed,partially or totally, the supply of galleys or sub-busbars by controllingthe status of RCCBs (contactor switching function of a RCCB). EachRCCB controls directly the power supply to a galley feeder or asub-busbar and opens automatically (circuit breaker tripping functionof a RCCB) removing the power supply in case of an overload or ashort circuit.ECMUs monitor and control the opening and/or closure of the RCCBs(the contactor switching function),which allow the galleys and subbusbarsto be supplied, to enable the shedding functions. The sheddinglogic is defined by:- the type of aircraft,- the aircraft configuration (ground/flight),- the number of available AC sources (Integrated Drive Generators(IDGs), APU GENerator, EXTernal PoWeR A/B),- the number of installed galleys.LOAD AUTOMATIC SHEDDINGIf the galley supply circuit detects an overload in galleys, a sheddingis directly performed via the corresponding RCCB (the circuit breakertripping function of a RCCB).In case of overload detected in a sub-busbar, the corresponding RCCBremoves the power to the sub-busbar (circuit breaker tripping functionof a RCCB). When an AC power source is in overload condition (GEN1 for example), ECMUs calculate the input load from the powersources and the output load to the galleys and other consumers.In case of an AC power source overload, the ECMUs can shed (viaRCCBs contactor switching function) the galley supply or sub-busbarsupply partially or completely in accordance with a shedding sequencepriority. These shedding operations could also result from a loss ofan AC electrical power sources (for example the loss of a GEN).LOAD MANUAL SHEDDINGA complete shedding of the galleys can be performed by manuallyselecting the GALLEY P/BSW to OFF. The GALLEY P/BSW canalso be used to reset the galleys loads and sub-busbar loadsautomatically shed after overload detected by an AC power source.The function of the GALLEY P/BSW is only operative when the ACMain Distribution COMMERCIAL P/BSW is in its ON position.When the COMMERCIAL P/BSW is released, the OFF legend comeson, all galleys, sub-busbars and all service buses are no longersupplied