Work Activities
Naval architects design ships and similar marine vessels, and oversee their construction and maintenance.
Many marine vessels and structures, such as cruise liners, warships, oil tankers and offshore platforms are very large and complex. Modern engineering on this scale is, therefore, very much a team activity, involving professional engineers from different fields and disciplines.
However, naval architects have overall responsibility for the project. They also have a special role in making sure that the team produces a safe, economic and seaworthy design for a new marine vessel or structure.
Naval architects need an understanding of many branches of engineering, as well as being experts in all aspects of ship design, including function, appearance and safety.
They keep up to date with advances in high technology areas, such as and calculation. computer-aided design (CAD)
A ship must be stable and have enough strength to cope with all types of weather. It must also be as comfortable as possible for passengers and crew, however rough the sea is. The way a ship looks is an important consideration for architects working on passenger liners and yachts.
In construction and repair, naval architects take responsibility for sections of the shipyard. They organise the supply, inspection and testing of and parts. They are also responsible for deciding how many employees a project materials will need.
In technical departments, naval architects deal with costs and supply matters. They look into ways to get the parts and equipment they need for the project, and manage . budgets
Some naval architects work as ship surveyors. They work worldwide to make sure ships are safe. They examine plans of ships in their design stage, looking at their strength, stability and life-saving features.
During construction, ship surveyors carry out inspections to make sure the quality of the work and materials meet rules and regulations. Once a ship is in operation, surveyors continue to do routine inspections, making sure the ship's owners have repaired any defects and are maintaining safety standards.
Naval architects may also work as , providing clients with engineering solutions, technical and commercial consultants guidance, support and project management.
There are research and development opportunities for naval architects. There are also opportunities for naval architects with above average qualifications to work in colleges and universities as professors and lecturers.
Depending on the type of work, extensive travel, nationally and internationally, may be required.
Being able to read, write and speak Welsh may be an advantage when you’re looking for work in Wales.