1. Explain all exam questions in full detail. Do not short-answer the questions or list the answers. They are ESSAY questions. Apply the English writing skills you have learned in writing courses. Write in complete sentences and paragraphs. 2. Plagiarism is zero-tolerated. A ZERO (0) grade is given to the exam if you plagiarize from other sources. Cite the sources if you use any information or text that do not belong to you. For further information, see http://www.plagiarism.org/article/what-is-plagiarism3. You may discuss the exam questions with your classmates. However, write the exam ON YOUR OWN.4. You are encouraged to do further research with reference to the exam questions and integrate what you research into the exam answers by quotations, paraphrase, or summary. List the cited reference at the end of the answer. 5. Your answers are graded according to the following criteria: (a) logical presentation of the answer, (b) clarity of writing, and (c) supporting examples.