Q: Will there be cars that are powered by hydrogen in the future?A: Yes, in fact, there are hydrogen Vehicles. Now Engineers have designed them to either burn hydrogen invention or react with oxygen and fuel cells to run an electric engine.Q: What are some of the advantages of hydrogen vehicles?A: Unlike conventional gasoline or diesel-powered vehicles. hydrogen Vehicles produce no carbon emissions .in addition compared to electric cars, hydrogen cars can go a much longer distance before they need refueling and the refueling process takes minutes instead of hours.Hydrogen fuel cells can also power larger Vehicles such as buses.Q: Hydrogen fuel cells can also power larger Vehicles such as buses?A: Unfortunately, there are. Although hydrogen doesn't need to be refined from crude oil like gasoline does. it does need to be manufactured at present. It's manufactured either from natural gas or by using a lot of electricity. In places where electricity comes from fossil fuels such as coal. hydrogen isn't a great Advantage, especially since hydrogen currently requires more energy to produce that it provides to the vehicle.Q: Does that mean hydrogen Vehicles might not be the energy solutions that the transportation sector is looking for?A: Maybe not right now, but eventually technological advances should make hydrogen Vehicles more practical and more efficient. Recently a group of vehicle manufacturers and oil companies launched a campaign to convince more people to drive hydrogen cars. If more people buy cars, there will be more reasons to develop new technologies and solve problems.