“Enjoying the view?” she nearly jumped when he spoke. Her face was a dark shade of red.
“I, I…” she had no idea what to say. He chuckled.
“Oh Clara, will you ever stop surprising me? I could never imagine you were curious about this old body of mine.” She wouldn’t let him mock her that way. He was enjoying that way too much.
“I once told Vastra I wasn’t interested in pretty young man and that is indeed true.” The Doctor chuckled.
“P.E. would beg to differ.” He got her again. “My eleventh face would like to differ as well. Clara, you don’t have to be ashamed of being curious, that’s one of your best traits.” She rolled her eyes at him.
“It wasn’t just curiosity but it doesn’t matter. I’m here because I couldn’t sleep.” He sat down exposing his chest to her and her breath caught on her throat. How could such an old body be so hot? That was all she could think about.
“So you came here to sleep with me?” Both their eyes widened. “I didn’t mean it like that.” He immediately explained. Clara nodded.
“I know, and I came here to see if you wanted to explore some more.” He smirked.
“On your pyjamas?”
“Well…” The Doctor did something really out of character for him. He patted the empty space beside him on bed and smiled.
“Come here Clara, I can open an exception for you just because it’s our last hurrah.” She froze on her feet. Was he really suggesting that she should lay down with him? “Clara?” she snapped out of it and sat down beside him. “Are you okay? You look like you’re malfunctioning again.” She didn’t say anything but hugged him tight hiding her face on his chest. He didn’t know what to do, he wasn’t good with intimacy.
“I’m gonna miss you so much.” He finally hugged her back.
“You don’t have to go, you know?” she pushed away gently and looked into his eyes.
“We’re bad to each other, we fight all the time and someday we’ll hate each other for real, and I don’t want that. You’re my best friend.” He shook his head.
“No, Clara. We’re a perfect match, can’t you see? We rely on each other, we trust each other, and I dare even say we love each other. You’re my best friend as well. This is one of those moments we’re truly honest right?” she nodded and he carried on. “Then I confess I don’t want you to go, I want you to be happy, of course, but I’m too selfish to give you up.” Clara will never understand what made her do what she did next. She held his face with both her hands and locked their lips. The Doctor seemed to be in shock, so he didn’t react to her sudden attack, she pulled away looking down, rejection all over her face.