Certification to NSF/ANSI 372 (Previously, WQA's Other Recognized Document (ORD), ORD0902), was established by WQA to compile the minimum requirements for the evaluation of lead content in drinking water products, material, and components for compliance to laws, regulations, or other restrictions for lead content. NSF/ANSI 372 combines the lead content calculations from NSF/ANSI 61 - Annex G and the testing protocol established by the California Department of Toxic Substances. Certification to NSF/ANSI 372 demonstrates compliance to the following: California Health and Safety Code Section 116875 definition of "lead free" (A.K.A. NSF/ANSI 61 - Annex G, AB 1953), and Vermont's lead in consumer products law, 9 V.S.A., Chapter 63, Subchapter 1C, and Any other law, regulation, or restriction on lead content that may use the same calculations and testing protocol to demonstrate "lead free" compliance.
Certification to NSF/ANSI 372 (Previously, WQA's Other Recognized Document (ORD), ORD0902), was established by WQA to compile the minimum requirements for the evaluation of lead content in drinking water products, material, and components for compliance to laws, regulations, or other restrictions for lead content. NSF/ANSI 372 combines the lead content calculations from NSF/ANSI 61 - Annex G and the testing protocol established by the California Department of Toxic Substances. Certification to NSF/ANSI 372 demonstrates compliance to the following: California Health and Safety Code Section 116875 definition of "lead free" (A.K.A. NSF/ANSI 61 - Annex G, AB 1953), and Vermont's lead in consumer products law, 9 V.S.A., Chapter 63, Subchapter 1C, and Any other law, regulation, or restriction on lead content that may use the same calculations and testing protocol to demonstrate "lead free" compliance.