One of the most important reasons to develop intelligent systems in education is to providefeedback to support course authors, teachers and administrators in their everyday decision-makingresponsibilities. Tasks such as how to improve students’ learning, organize instructional resourcesmore efficiently and enable students to take appropriate proactive and/or remedial action are of primalconcern to teachers and administrators. Intelligent systems can substantially improve the rate ofsuccess in these cases.It is important to point out that providing this feedback is different from data analyzing andvisualizing tasks, which only provide basic information directly from data (reports, statistics, etc.).Moreover, this procedure uncovers completely new and interesting information existent in the data,but that can usually be hidden behind the normally huge amount of information available. Several datamining techniques have been used to accomplish the feedback to instructors, although association-rulemining has been the most common. Association-rule mining reveals interesting relationships amongvariables in large databases and presents them in the form of strong rules according to the differentdegrees of interest they might have [27].