This paper has provided a study of the main developments of maritime container terminal operations. We have analyzed two operational characteristics: terminal type and operation type, which we assume to influence the technical efficiency of terminals. We have demonstrated that container terminals are more efficient than multi-purpose terminals, and in our second finding we have shown that, compared with local operators, global terminal operators do not have a dominant position in international maritime trade in terms of productivity and efficiency. However, global terminal operators appear to be more dominant than local operators when we examine the Mediterranean Basin. This observation gains further relevance in light of the discussion on the competition among Mediterranean terminals(Gonzalez and Trujillo 2009; Bergantino and Musso 2011). Based on the results pertaining to terminal operations, we have shown that both terminal type and operation type impact on terminal efficiency directly, rather than through the production technique. As a consequence of this finding, future terminal development and strategies may be to focus on the implementation of advanced logistical and operational information technologies in terminal operations.