A. Systemic Bank Credit Risk 2008–2013
There are several reasons why it is important to study the properties of the intensity estimated from a term structure model, instead of looking directly at CDS
premia. First, the intensity implied by the model well summarizes the information
contained in the entire term structure. Second, it reflects the current probability
of default in contrast to a long-term average, implied in longer-term CDS premia.
In contrast, the 1-year CDS is generally illiquid and, therefore, is not sufficiently
responsive to changes in credit risk. Third, the intensity of default is not affected
by default risk premia and, therefore, is a more direct measure of default risk.
Taken together, these observations suggest that the intensity of default has the potential to be more responsive, and therefore more informative on the evolution of
systemic credit risk, than CDS spreads at a specific maturity.