AQUARIUS [Jan 20 - Feb 19]
You are on the other side of a storm, as Mars' opposition to your ruler Uranus, may have thrown in some unwanted surprises, or raised your levels of anxiety, but you are going to find a reason to feel good this week, as loving Venus in Scorpio, connects with Pluto in Capricorn like a trusted mortise and tenon joint. Something will provide the 'fits like a glove feeling', offering you some welcomed stability, or a place to rest your wants and your wishes, as you reflect upon what matters most to your Soul. Mars in fellow air sign Libra does align with your Sun with great support, you just may not have had the luxury of benefiting from the power surge, as too many other things were vying for your attention. Mercury, the lower octave of Uranus, is also in Capricorn and will join Pluto this weekend, in your house of healing and dreams, to help you put something painful to rest. It feels like goodbye, and yet in places where you wish to carry on, it will at some point energize your new hello.
You will feel support in places you can trust, in places that feel timeless and true, and this will provide the inspiration you need to continue fanning the flames of a hope that never dies!