H1b: There is a positive relationship between PU and EI.H2b: There is a positive relationship between PEoU and EI.H3b: There is a positive relationship between SN and EI.H4b: There is a positive relationship between EI and actual use of ICT (AU).H5b: There is a positive relationship between PU and actual use of ICT (AU).H6b: There is a positive relationship between PEoU and actual use of ICT (AU).H7b: There is a positive relationship between SN and actual use of ICT (AU).H8b: There is a positive relationship between PU and AT.H9b: There is a positive relationship between PEoU and AT.H10b: There is a positive relationship between SN and AT.H11b: There is a positive relationship between AT and actual use of ICT (AU).H12b: AT and EI mediate the effects of PU on actual use of ICT (AU).H13b: AT and EI mediate the effects of PEoU on actual use of ICT (AU).H14b: AT and EI mediate the effects of SNs on actual use of ICT (AU).