rolf_benz_vero.VRay_RawTotalLighting.png -
this pass is somewhere in between the
RawLighting.png and
RawGlobalIllumination.png. Used to bring more photorealism to the scene.
P r e f e r r e d b l e n d i n g m o d e f o r u s e :
Lighten / Soft light + adjust layer opacity
rolf_benz_vero.VRay_Reflection.png - regular
reflection pass, which is darker than the ''Raw''
pass and is being affected largely by the
textures and the environment. As you have
probably guessed, this pass is used to fix or
increase the reflection of the reflective objects
in the scene.
This pass involves texture and therefore will be
“masked” through the filter pass in Photoshop.
In my video you can see how I apply mask filter in order to isolate the blackness.
A d v i s a b l e t o u s e w i t h R e f l e c t i o n F i lt e r a p p l i e d a s a m a s k
P r e f e r r e d b l e n d i n g m o d e f o r u s e : Normal / Screen + adjust layer
rolf_benz_vero.VRay_ReflectionFilter.png - The name says it all, this pass will be used as a
mask to filter out
rolf_benz_vero.VRay_Reflection.png pass.
Used as a mask to isolate the reflections properly
rolf_benz_vero.VRay_Refraction.png - regular refraction pass, represents all transparent
(glass) objects and because of it's interaction with the object material this pass will be also ''masked'' the filter pass.
Advisable to use with Refraction Filter applied as a mask P r e f e r r e d b l e n d i n g m o d e f o r u s e :
Normal / Screen + adjust layer opacity