Slice the pork into long length or bite-size pieces, about 1 inch thic的繁體中文翻譯

Slice the pork into long length or

Slice the pork into long length or bite-size pieces, about 1 inch thick. The thinner the pork is the more tender it will get.
Blend garlic, coriander roots, and pepper in a blender or food processor until fine.
In a mixing bowl, mix the sliced pork and blended ingredients together by hand.
Add ⅓ cup of the milk, sugar, soy sauce, oyster sauce, 1 teaspoon of the vegetable oil, dark soy sauce, corn flour, pepper, and salt. Gently mix them throughly by hand.
Cover the bowl and put the mixed pork in the refrigerator and let it marinate at least 3-4 hours (better overnight).
Place the wooden skewers in water to soak for 30 minutes.
Take the marinated pork out and let it sit at room temperature for 5-10 minutes and then start to skewer them up on the wooden skewers, which have been soaked.
Heat the grill on to medium-high heat. Use the rest of the vegetable oil to brush on the grill first so the pork does not stick to the grill. Grill for 7-8 minutes on each side and cook evenly (takes about 15 minutes until pork is cooked through). Turn skewers, and baste often with the rest of the coconut milk (or whole milk) while grilling.
Serve hot with hot sticky rice.
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結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
豬肉切成片成片長長度或咬大小,厚約 1 英寸。瘦豬肉是它會越嫩。將大蒜、 香菜根和攪拌器或者食物處理器胡椒攪拌罰款。在混合碗,混合的肉片和混合的配料一起用手。添加均加重三分之一杯的牛奶,糖,醬油,蠔油,1 茶匙的植物油、 黑醬油、 玉米粉、 胡椒和鹽。輕輕地混合它們徹底手。把碗蓋上和把混合的豬肉放在冰箱裡,讓它浸泡至少 3-4 個小時 (好過夜)。將木串放水中浸泡 30 分鐘。取出醃好的豬肉,讓它坐在室溫 5-10 分鐘,然後開始鏢他們起來上木制的肉串,就淋濕了。熱到中高火燒烤。用剩下的蔬菜油,第一次在烤架上刷,所以豬肉不堅持在烤架上。7-8 分鐘,每方烤和均勻煮 (約 15 分鐘至豬肉熟通過)。肉串,轉身繃常常與其他的椰子牛奶 (或全脂牛奶) 同時烤。趁熱拌熱糯米。
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]
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