My name is Ji – Fei Liao. I was born in Nantou and have lived here for twenty years. I was the first child, and my brother was two years younger than I. when I was a child, going walking through the woods was my favorite. I always picked up the fallen leaves with a variety of shapes. My childhood was extremely happy that I thought. When I was seven years old, I went to study in elementary education near my house. In 2005, my mother suffered from SCA - Spinocerebellar Ataxia. In that time, Mother has a hospitalization and Father has to take care of Mom, so the house often leaved only my brother and me. I was responsible for cleaning, cooking and looking after my brother. In school, thanks to the inspirer of my teachers, without their help, I would not stand here. After I completed my elementary education, I attended a good junior high school. In that time, I got up at 4 am to study every day. Because I did not go to any cram schools like other people, I should study hard. And then, I entered National Taichung University of Science and Technology in the Department of Accounting Information. In this school, I joined Chorus and Chinese Music Club to enrich my music literacy.
Now I studied at Nan Kai University of Technology in the Department of Applied Foreign Languages.