The United States passed the Natural Gas Hydrate Research and Development Act as early as 2000. A study of undersea natural gas hydrate sprin at seafloor in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico was conducted in May 2017 and a drilling began on May 11, 2017. Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), since 2001, has been promoting three 18-year National Methane Hydrate Development Program (MH21), with a final phase of 2016-2018, during which it plans to achieve subsea natural gas Continuous, stable and safe and controllable exploitation of hydrates, on May 4, 2017, the Ministry of Resources and Energy of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan again announced the successful exploitation of subsea natural gas hydrates, but after 12 days of continuous collection due to the same sand problems as the first. The original target of stable production for three to four consecutive weeks was not met. In June 2017, Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry announced plans to commercialize natural gas hydrates, saying that Japan would begin land-based production trials with the United States in Alaska and would explore joint ocean output tests with India because of difficulties in developing separate lyse projects in Japan due to the technology's poor pace. Taiwan did not find that we have similar things until 1992, so Wikipedia is less Taiwanese articles, after all, started too late than other countries too much