Our study showed a high prevalence of OSA among stroke victims (55%), which is consistent with the abundant data in the literature Tosun A, Köktürk O, Karataş GK, Ciftçi TU et al (2008) Redline S, Yenokyan G, Gottlieb DJ, Shahar E, O'Connor GT, Resnick HE, Diener-West M, Sanders MH, Wolf PA, Geraghty EM, Ali T, Lebowitz M, Punjabi NM (2010) . More importantly, it demonstrated the prevalence to be clustered in the WUS stroke population (OR 3.25) which is indicative that the main hazard of OSA for ischemic stroke is mainly during sleep. Numerous reports have examined the stroke mechanism commonly implicated in patients with OSA. Cardiac emboli have been repeatedly shown to be a common source of stroke in the patients with underlying OSA. In fact, two cardiac lesions have been identifiedastheculpritforthisincreaseincardiacsourceofemboli in this patient population. One is through atrial fibrillation which has already been established as the most common cardiac source of stroke.