Our greatest challenge is to rise above our fears and trust in God, our loving Creator, to guide and protect our lives. Your ego would have you believe that it alone is the source of power that guards you, and only it can be trusted. This isn't accurate and keeps you hostage to it.
Break free of the fear seizing upon you now, and know in your heart and Spirit that God, your Heavenly Creator, has got your back. It fact, the love of the Divine surrounds you completely, and the Uni-verse has a better plan for you than your ego ever will.
Although you may not know the plan or see how the Universe will protect you,trust that it will. Go within and call upon your Spirit to reassure you. Quiet the ego so that you begin to feel the love and protec-tion of God. Your worry is doing you no good, so stop it. Reconnect with your Spirit and trust in God. You can