Although the etiology of this disease is largelyunknown, numerous studies of medical genetics inrecent years have shown that patients with dilatedcardiomyopathy have single or multiple mutationsinvolving structural proteins of the myocardiocytecytoskeleton or sarcolemma [8, 9]. Familial dilatedcardiomyopathy was proposed to be considered as aform of “cytoskeltopathy” [8]. Secondary causes ofdilated cardiomyopathy include coronary heart disease,cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, nutritional deficiency,some systemic diseases, viral infections, cardiotoxins,alcohol abuse, muscle dystrophic diseases etc. In mostcases of dilated cardiomyopathy no identifiable cause isdefined. According to some authors, the most commoncause of dilated cardiomyopathy is alcohol consumption.A wide range of structural abnormalities were observedin the myocardium, associated with high alcoholconsumption, but is difficult to define precisely thepoint at which these abnormalities can be considered asbeing significant for dilated cardiomyopathy [5].