The JE (the expert appointed by the Judge) shared with the PEs
(the parties experts; there were three PEs: one for the owner of the
plant, one for the plant constructor and one for the operators) all
the information and offered to them the possibility to suggest
hypothesis and analyses. In doing that, the EJ proposed to help
him in building a fault tree, starting from the TE, following the typical
top down procedure. Each PE had the possibility to add
branches or events, giving the reasons for that. Of course, the operators’
PE did not suggested the events relevant to human errors,
nor the constructor’s PE emphasized the possibilities of loss of control,
nor the owner’s PE suggested the possibility of anomalous
mud (and so of weakness in managing the process), but all these
aspects have been highlighted during the discussions. The meeting
have been three, one for sharing information and getting familiar
with the method (JE was quite expert of FT – and so acted as facilitator-,
but not the PEs), the others two for the FT drawing and