媽媽:妳沒有想念過妳懷孕10個月出生的兒子嗎?妳在夜晚睡覺有作夢聽見他可愛的笑聲嗎?他兩邊白嫩稚氣的臉龐跟紅紅嘴唇在呼喚著:媽媽!!妳在哪裡? 不論黎明或是黑夜.妳都沒有聽見妳的兒子一直不斷的在 呼喚著:媽媽!弟弟好想妳!妳快點回來! 讓我們大人為了親生的寶貝兒子.為了這個家庭再努力一次.讓小孩子在父母的陪伴逐漸長大! 給小孩子一個健全完整的家是我們父母的責任!不要讓兒子失去了母親的溫暖.也不要讓兒子忘記母親的臉龐!!!!!!!!!!
MOM: you didn't miss your 10 month born son? you sleep at night have dreamed of hearing his cute laugh? his sides and tender childlike face with red lips is calling out: MOM!! Where are you? Neither dawn nor night. you hear your son has been constantly calling out: mother! brother miss you! you come back soon! Let us to his own son. efforts once again to this family. child in parent company grew! Give the children a perfect complete family is our responsibility as parents! don't let the son lost his mother's warm. don't let my son forget her mother face!!!!!!!!!!
結果 (英文) 2:
Mom: do not u miss u too pregnant for 10 months born son do u have to sleep at night dreaming hear his laughter lovely soft white sides do his childlike face with red lips calling:?? U in my mother !! ? Where are u no matter dawn or night did not hear 見妳 son had been constantly calling in:! u miss you mom good brother Come back to us adults own baby son to the family once again trying!!. let the little children growing up in accompanied by their parents! give children a sound full house is the responsibility of our parents! Do not let the warmth of his son lost his mother. Do not let the son forget the mother's face !!!!!!!!! !
結果 (英文) 3:
Mom: you don"t miss your 10 month pregnant son? You go to bed at night dreaming have heard his lovely laughter? He had two white childish face with red red lips Calling: mom! Where are you? No matter the dawn or the night, you have not heard your son is calling all the time! My brother miss you! You come back soon! Let us adults for their own baby son. For this family to try again. Let the children grow up in the parents" company! It is our parents" duty to give our children a sound and complete family! Don"t let the son lose the warmth of the mother, also don"t let the son forget the mother"s face! !! !! !! !! !