The spermine and spermidine levels were similar and constant
in all poultry meats because these polyamines occur naturally in
fresh meat and are found at relatively constant levels (Hernandez-
Jover, Izquierdo-Pulido, Veciana-Nogues, Marin e-Font, & VidalCarou, 1997). These results are similar to those reported in other
studies of chicken meat. Silva and Gloria (2002) found that spermine and spermidine showed values of 7.3 and 17.9 mg kg1,
respectively, during the first days of storage at 4 ± 1 C. Rokka et al.
(2004) determined that the values of both polyamines remained
constant for the first 12 days of storage. Balamatsia et al. (2006)
demonstrated that the initial values of spermine (approximately
>50 mg kg1) decreased during storage, and they suggested that
these two amines cannot be used as indicators of fresh chicken
meat quality. Also, these polyamines occur naturally in fresh meat