However, only a few past studies have focusedon the CFD simulations of radial inflow turbine in organic Rankinecycles. According to a conclusion drawn by Xia et al. [19], the threedimensionCFD results are in correspondence with the one-dimensionalanalysis, and the addition of splitter blade contributes to improving theperformance of ORC radial inflow turbine. For the design of aerodynamicdistribution, Zheng et al. [20] proposed a preliminary designand an evaluation method that combined the design of radial inflowturbine with the predicted variable operating conditions, and used thenumerical simulation results and experimental data to verify it. Fiaschiet al. [21] made a three-dimensional analysis of the rotor with thegeometry inputs calculated from one-dimensional design for a 5 kWORCradial-inflow turbine operating with R134a. The number and thegeometry of the rotor blades were further refined by CFD approach. Liet al. [22] developed an aerodynamic and profile design system, inwhich a radial inflow turbine with R123 as the working fluid was designedand the numerical analysis was conducted. The simulation resultsindicated that the shock wave caused by the high expansion ratioin the nozzle was well controlled. With regard to identical designconditions, Kim et al. [23] proposed a novel method to design ORCradial-inflow turbine. The performance of a designed turbine was thenevaluated by three-dimensional analysis using CFD. And the comparisonbetween results of the one-dimensional design and CFD simulationwas conducted.