OPERATIONEach TR is operative if the AC corresponding busbar is supplied. Ifall parameters are correct, the TR contactors (5PU1 or 5PU2) closesand connects the power to the corresponding DC busbar.In normal operation:- TR1 and TR2 are supplied and active,- 1PC1 is closed and 1PC2 is open.If TR1 fails (not due to over-current):- TR2 is still supplied by AC BUS 2,- 1PC1 stays closed and 1PC2 closes.If TR1 and TR2 fail (not due to over-current):- 1PC1 and 1PC2 are open and DC BUS 1 and DC BUS 2 are notsupplied. The DC BAT BUS will be momentarily supplied forapproximately 7 seconds. After 7 seconds the DC BAT BUS will notbe supplied.