Compared with students with low flow, students with medium
flow were reinforced by the sequence of trial-and-error behaviors
in the analyzing phase (A?F), and they had none of the repeated
incorrect manipulations that students with low flow exhibited.
Although lacking in the ‘IM?A’ reflective process, compared with
the students in the low-flow group, those from the medium group
did not exhibit repeated incorrect manipulations that may have
affected their involvement in the game. Unlike the other two
groups, the students from the high-flow group were enhanced by
the reflective process of ‘IM?A’, indicating that they tended to
return to analyzing in a timely manner after incorrect manipulations.
In addition, the high-flow group did not show pattern of
‘restarting after analyzing’ (A?R), which indicated a deeper
immersion with a greater tendency toward the interactive processes
of manipulation and analysis. This suggests that unless they
failed during the analyzing phase, they were less likely to give up
the game and restart immediately after the analysis. They tended
to emphasize a more continuous and smooth problem-solving
strategy, which may have facilitated their complete experience of
the context, the clues, and procedural knowledge.
Compared to traditional teaching methods, the use of simulation
software in science or engineering courses can better promote
learners’ participation and satisfaction (Duran, Gallardo, Toral,
Martinez-Torres, & Barrero, 2007). Additionally, merging the challenging
and entertaining features of simulation games with
simulation software in science education games should help
improve learners’ degree of immersion. To assess students’ immersion
in simulation games, flow is an important and influential indicator
(Bressler & Bodzin, 2013). The above analyses indicate that
the students’ average flow score in the simulation game activities
was greater than the median flow score, demonstrating the game’s
positive effects on students’ learning motivation and immersion. In
addition, regarding the reflective behavior processes of students
with different levels of flow, our analysis also revealed a connection
between students’ flow and their reflective behavior processes:
the learners with higher flow states displayed more complete
and in-depth reflective behavior patterns. Therefore, designing
simulation games that are capable of elevating learners’ flow state
may help to enhance their reflection on scientific knowledge.
Because previous studies have observed that appropriate challenges
and clear goals in simulation games can have a significant
influence on learners’ flow state (Hou & Li, 2014), to promote learners’
flow experience and reach a more in-depth and complete
reflective process, the games must be designed with clear goals
to fully correspond to the learning objectives. Moreover, the scaffolding
provided by the simulation games in science education
should consider learners’ prior knowledge and include a variety
of timely guidance and context features to promote concentration and the completion of students’ reflective process.
相比低流量與學生、 學生與介質流,增援的試驗和錯誤行為順序在分析階段 (A?F),和他們沒有重複低流量的學生表現出的不正確操作。雖然缺乏抓嗎?A' 反思的過程,相比低流量組中,那些從中型組學生並沒有表現出重複的誤操作,可能會有影響他們在遊戲中的參與。與其他兩個不同組,從高流量組學生被增強的反思的過程中抓嗎?A',表明他們傾向于返回到在誤操作後及時分析。此外,高流量組沒有顯示模式'重新開機後分析' (A?R),表明一個更深層的交互流程更傾向浸泡操作和分析。這表明,除非他們在分析階段失敗,他們很少去放棄遊戲和分析後立即重新開機。他們往往要強調更加連續,順利解決問題戰略,有利於他們完整的體驗上下文的線索和程式性知識。相比傳統的教學方法,模擬的應用在科學或工程專業的課程軟體可以更好地促進學習者的參與和滿意度 (杜蘭、 加利亞多、 托拉爾,Martinez-Torres, & Barrero, 2007). Additionally, merging the challengingand entertaining features of simulation games withsimulation software in science education games should helpimprove learners’ degree of immersion. To assess students’ immersionin simulation games, flow is an important and influential indicator(Bressler & Bodzin, 2013). The above analyses indicate thatthe students’ average flow score in the simulation game activitieswas greater than the median flow score, demonstrating the game’spositive effects on students’ learning motivation and immersion. Inaddition, regarding the reflective behavior processes of studentswith different levels of flow, our analysis also revealed a connectionbetween students’ flow and their reflective behavior processes:the learners with higher flow states displayed more completeand in-depth reflective behavior patterns. Therefore, designingsimulation games that are capable of elevating learners’ flow statemay help to enhance their reflection on scientific knowledge.Because previous studies have observed that appropriate challengesand clear goals in simulation games can have a significantinfluence on learners’ flow state (Hou & Li, 2014), to promote learners’flow experience and reach a more in-depth and completereflective process, the games must be designed with clear goalsto fully correspond to the learning objectives. Moreover, the scaffoldingprovided by the simulation games in science educationshould consider learners’ prior knowledge and include a varietyof timely guidance and context features to promote concentration and the completion of students’ reflective process.