Nok Air underlines the importance of shareholders' rights through which shareholders will get access to accurate, comprehensive and adequate company information in a timely and equitable manner for them to make decisions. Simultaneously, Nok Air has formulated a policy to facilitate and encourage attendance of the Shareholders' Meeting including other related rights to shareholders as follows.
Nok Air will send an invitation letter for the meeting together with sufficient supporting information in which objectives and rationality as well as the Board's opinions will be stated in all meeting agendas. Shareholders will be able to study the information at least seven days prior to the Shareholders' Meeting. If a shareholder cannot attend the meeting himself, Nok Air allows that shareholder to appoint an independent director or any individual to attend the meeting on his/her behalf using a proxy appointment form provided him together with the invitation letter for the meeting.
Nok Air will equally facilitate every shareholder who attend the meeting in terms of venue and timing.
At the Shareholders' Meeting, Nok Air will arrange for a consideration and a voting based on an order of the meeting agendas without changing any material information or without adding any meeting agenda at the meeting without prior notice. Shareholders will be equally allowed to examine Nok Air's operation and to inquire and express their opinions as well as recommendations. Directors and executives will attend the Meeting to answer questions there.
Nok Air will add communication channels of shareholders through its website where information and updates will be exclusively posted there. The invitation letter to the meeting will be posted in advance before the meeting day for shareholders to conveniently and comprehensively download the meeting agendas.
All directors are to attend the meeting to answer questions from shareholders.
The minutes of the meeting must be completely and accurately recorded with speed and transparency. Questions and significant opinions are to be recorded in the minutes of the meeting for shareholders to examine. In addition, Nok Air will post the minutes of the meeting at its website for shareholders to contemplate and will also submit the minutes of the meeting to the SET within 14 days from the Shareholders' Meeting date.
Nok Air will increasingly facilitate convenient approach for shareholders to receive their dividend by transferring it to their bank accounts (if any dividend is paid) to allow shareholders to get paid on a timely basis and to also avoid any defect or loss or bank cheques or any delayed delivery.