Porphyrio is a young and dynamic spin-off company of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering of the KU Leuven (Belgium) that is fundamentally changing how the management of livestock production is done.
With our first products Lay-Insight (for layer breeders, pullets and layers) and Broiler-Insight (for broiler breeders and broilers), we are providing Cloud based Management tools to modern poultry producers allowing farm managers worldwide to get total control over their production in order to get better animal performance. By means of advanced statistical and modelling techniques, we turn the large amounts of production data into relevant management information and complete insight in their production. As such, they can keep their hens healthier, and their profit steadier. - See more at: http://www.vdab.be/mijnvdab/jobs/wz/jobs.jsp?ID=9386523&sess=62&fallBackAction=DETAIL&action=DETAIL#sthash.jZHJ5mVD.dpuf