unbounded love dwells in the sense because it is still mixed in such a way with earthly things that a person can cry out: " love is in grace, distant in the senses and has, alas, not yet climbed atop the soul." mny people have fallen because their soul remained unwounded. Solomon and David received the Holy spirit in their human senses, but when the senses changed, they fell into false love. God knows, their soul had not sunk into the lowest depths beneath all creatures nor was it wounded by the powerful part of love, for he who never tasted the best wine often whoops it uo the most. Bound love dwells in the soul and transcends human sense and concedes the body nothing it wants. it is restrained and very calm. it lowers its wings and listens for the inexpressible voice and gazes into the incomprehensible light and works with great desire to achieve the will of its lord. if the body can still flap its wings, the soul can never reach the heights that are attainable for human beings. in this bound love the wounded soul becomes rich and her external sense very poor because the more riches god finds in her; the deeper she humbly lowers herself because of the true nobility of her love. i cannot imagine a person bound by the deepest stirrings or powerful love falling into serious sinl for the soul is bound, she has to love. May god thus bind us all!