In the data acquisition systems, following facilities are included,such as a Coriolis mass flow meter, an intelligent liquid turbine flowmeter, an elliptical gear flow meter, a temperature sensor, a pressuresensor, an Agilent data acquisition instrument, an electrical parametermeter, and a computer. The Coriolis mass flow meter is installed at theoutlet of the pump to measure the mass flow rate of the R123. Theelliptical flow meter is installed in the heat source cycle to measure thevolume flow of the heat transfer oil. An intelligent liquid turbine flowmeter is installed in the condensing cycle to measure the flow of coolingwater. A temperature sensor and a pressure sensor are separately installedat the inlet and outlet of the main equipment. The Agilent dataacquisition device mainly keeps track on the temperature, pressure andworking fluid flow in the thermal system. The electric parametermeasuring instrument with a 10-second interrecord gap mainly recordsthe frequency, the output voltage, the current and the electric power ofthe generator. The recorded data are summarized on the computer bysoftware to check the performance of the generator. According to thetemperature and pressure collected by the computer, the parametersincluding enthalpy and entropy of the R123 are obtained through theREFPROP 9.0 issued by NIST. The main experimental testing instrumentsare listed in Table 2.