10. ConclusionIncomplete involution of the embryonic tubular structure known as the urachus allows for persistence of UA in both the pediatric and adult population. Patients may present with congenital UA or acquired urachal remnant diseases. Congenital UA can be divided into five groups: patent urachus, umbilical-urachal sinus, vesicourachal diverticulum, urachal cyst, and alternating sinus. A patent urachus is usually detected at birth. However, the remaining four UA can persist and have the potential to become infected or undergo malignant transformation, causing neoplasm development. Infections and neoplasm cause quiescent UA to become symptomatic, occurring at any time in an individual's life, and are referred to as acquired urachal remnant diseases. The current literature does not provide conclusive data or uniform protocols regarding diagnostic evaluation and treatment options. This may be a result of the rarity of UA and that the majority of data is obtained from case studies. These cases studies provide valuable information, however, they are perpetuating discrepancies in diagnosis and management seen in the current literature. Therefore, future studies should be interested in longitudinal large-scale cohort studies in an attempt to establish optimal protocols.Conflict of interestThe authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.Ethical statementNo humans or animals were part of this study. All authors contributed to and approved this manuscript.Financial disclosureWe have received no funding for this manuscript. None of the authors have conflicts of financial interest.References
10. Conclusion<br>Incomplete involution of the embryonic tubular structure known as the urachus allows for persistence of UA in both the pediatric and adult population. Patients may present with congenital UA or acquired urachal remnant diseases. Congenital UA can be divided into five groups: patent urachus, umbilical-urachal sinus, vesicourachal diverticulum, urachal cyst, and alternating sinus. A patent urachus is usually detected at birth. However, the remaining four UA can persist and have the potential to become infected or undergo malignant transformation, causing neoplasm development. Infections and neoplasm cause quiescent UA to become symptomatic, occurring at any time in an individual's life, and are referred to as acquired urachal remnant diseases. The current literature does not provide conclusive data or uniform protocols regarding diagnostic evaluation and treatment options. This may be a result of the rarity of UA and that the majority of data is obtained from case studies. These cases studies provide valuable information, however, they are perpetuating discrepancies in diagnosis and management seen in the current literature. Therefore, future studies should be interested in longitudinal large-scale cohort studies in an attempt to establish optimal protocols.<br><br>利益衝突<br>的作者有沒有利益申報衝突。<br><br>倫理聲明<br>沒有人類或動物研究的一部分。所有作者貢獻和批准了這一手稿。<br><br>財務披露<br>,我們已經收到了這份手稿沒有資金。作者都沒有經濟利益的衝突。<br><br>參考