5.2. Optimisation resultsThe process of similartaxis and dissimilation for structuralparameter optimisation is given in Fig. 18. It can be found thatthe scores of subgroup 1, subgroup 2, and subgroup 4 in initialtemporary subgroups are higher than those of subgroup 1, subgroup3, and subgroup 5 in initial superior subgroups (Fig. 18(a)and (b)). Therefore, the dissimilation operation is conducted thriceand 3 new subgroups are added to the temporary subgroups. InFig. 18(c), it can be noticed that the score of each subgroup remainsconstant in the similartaxis process, which means that these subgroupsare mature. Comparing Fig. 18(c) and (d), it can be notedthat the scores of temporary subgroups are lower than those ofsuperior subgroups and hence dissimilation is not executed. Theoptimal structure parameters obtained after decoding are givenin Table 8.