A thermodynamic model of ORC was first developed for a givenindustrial waste heat source terms, in which evaporating andexhaust temperatures of the waste heat were used as model variablesand. Thermodynamic analysis of performance of turbine usingdifferent working fluids (R123, R245fa, R600, R601a, R245ca,R141b) was also conducted. According to the thermodynamic parametersadopted, the centrifugal turbine was specially designed tomake it suitable for ORC applications. A computer code has beendeveloped to as an aerodynamic design and optimization tool forthe centrifugal turbines, which provides a relatively quick andconvenient way to identify the number of stages, key geometricfeatures, efficiency and other parameters of the turbine. Afterwards,three centrifugal turbines with single stage, two stages andmulti-stages were designed respectively. Flowfield simulation andaerodynamic performance analysis of the proposed centrifugalturbines were carried out with the aid of computational fluid dynamics(CFD) techniques.