Excellent quality, absolute safety and great taste. With this vision, Axel Wenner-Gren started the Semper journey over 70 years ago. From the invention of making milk powder out of real milk, via the all-Swedish tradition of Välling, to the current family of meal jars and different tasty in-between snacks.
Expertise, innovation and commitment are values that have built a close and trusting relationship between our company and generations of Swedes - something we intend develop well into the future.
The knowledge we have of our consumers' needs is based on long experience and research, and a close cooperation with physicians and nutrition experts. Combined with our high standards of quality and ingredients, this has made our consumers trust Semper as a brand for safe and tasty food.
We push for breakthrough innovation and lead the development by continuously developing new concepts, products and new flavors with nutritional content. Working together with us means a partnership that gives priority to responsiveness and openness. That is how we create relationships and work environment that stimulates innovation.
We have a strong commitment to our consumers' daily lives. We know how important it is for parents to find support in responsible and enjoyable parenting - in the mass of little things to do in everyday life. Especially when it is about food. About nutrition, health, growing up and interacting with your child. Semper has a role to play there.
Excellent quality, absolute safety and great taste. With this vision, Axel Wenner-Gren started the Semper journey over 70 years ago. From the invention of making milk powder out of real milk, via the all-Swedish tradition of Välling, to the current family of meal jars and different tasty in-between snacks.Expertise, innovation and commitment are values that have built a close and trusting relationship between our company and generations of Swedes - something we intend develop well into the future.The knowledge we have of our consumers' needs is based on long experience and research, and a close cooperation with physicians and nutrition experts. Combined with our high standards of quality and ingredients, this has made our consumers trust Semper as a brand for safe and tasty food.We push for breakthrough innovation and lead the development by continuously developing new concepts, products and new flavors with nutritional content. Working together with us means a partnership that gives priority to responsiveness and openness. That is how we create relationships and work environment that stimulates innovation.We have a strong commitment to our consumers' daily lives. We know how important it is for parents to find support in responsible and enjoyable parenting - in the mass of little things to do in everyday life. Especially when it is about food. About nutrition, health, growing up and interacting with your child. Semper has a role to play there.